Speaking Up: New Voices on War and Peace in Nova Scotia, cover art

Stylistic and Copy Editing

Edited the manuscript to clarify the meaning and refine the language, including:

  • eliminating jargon, clichés, repetitions and euphemisms
  • establishing or maintaining the language level appropriate for the intended audience, medium, and purpose
  • establishing or maintaining tone, mood, style, and authorial voice or level of formality

Edited the novel for correctness, accuracy, consistency and completeness, including:

  • editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage
  • checking for consistency and continuity of mechanics and facts, including anachronisms, character names, and relationships
  • developing a style sheet or following one that is provided
  • correcting or querying general information that should be checked for accuracy


A compelling anthology of diverse and historically marginalized perspectives on war and peace in Nova Scotia, including El Jones, Sylvia Parris, Catherine Martin, and Juanita Peters.

The story of Nova Scotia’s history is usually presented through the lens of military history. Lost in that narrative are the less visible stories of war and peace: contemporary stories told from outside the military community; anti-militarist stories; and stories of soldiers who don’t fit the white, cisgender male, heterosexual norm.

Speaking Up: New Voices on War and Peace in Nova Scotia brings many previously neglected voices to the fore — voices of current members of the Canadian Armed Forces and military veterans, members of the African Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaw communities, refugees and immigrants displaced by war, historians and other academics who study war and militarization, artists who reflect on war’s impact, and peace activists who vigorously protest against the militarization of the region.